This is your captain speaking

Trust is probably one of the most important qualities a team could have—especially in a startup. Having an inherit ability to rely on your teammates to do, well, anything can free up a tremendous amount of your own time to do the things you love to do. When you trust your teammates, there is less stress, more motivation, and more freedom to explore your product and build something great.

In blunt terms: let them do what they are good at. Whomever decided that “two minds are greater than one” was right … but add another and you have “too many cooks in the kitchen.” It’s important for your team that those owning a specific project or specific technology can truly own what they are working on and be the decision makers that move it from idea to reality; this person is your captain. Too many hands on deck can drive your captain crazy and inhibit their ability to perform at their truest potential.

Sometimes building on products and executing ideas comes down to 1 simple idea: let your designer design and your developers develop. Allow your team to breathe. Everyone is out for the same goal of pushing your product forward—try to let your team organically become a catalyst for your success.


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What I wish I knew starting off

Let’s face it: entrepreneurship and startups are hard. It pays off though because, as you make mistakes and “fail fast”, the knowledge you gain is tremendous. That being said, here’s some things I think would have benefited my journey... Continue →